Banks Private School Consultants

Your Trusted Private School Resource Alliance

Specializing in empowering private schools through strategic financial solutions, consistently achieving remarkable success over a half-decade..

Welcome to Banks Private School Consultants – Your Trusted Private School Resource Alliance! As premier professionals in Florida, we specialize in empowering private schools through strategic financial solutions, consistently achieving remarkable success over the last 5 years. Our track record boasts millions of dollars in both federal and state grants, a testament to our unwavering commitment to empowering Florida's private schools. At BPSC, we go beyond traditional consultancy – we offer hands-on support at every stage of the grant writing and funding journey. Elevate your school's potential with BPSC, where expertise meets success!

Unlock a Brighter Future by Accessing Funding Opportunities: Elevating School Programs, Facilities, and Student Experiences

Discover the transformative power of grants: Our commitment extends beyond education; we believe in shaping an environment where students thrive. Here are some key benefits of grants:

Enhanced Facilities: Elevate the quality, design, and maintenance of school facilities, influencing student performance, attendance, and overall well-being.

Positive Youth Development (PYD): Support the implementation of PYD programs, fostering essential social and emotional skills, academic excellence, and civic engagement among young minds.

Equitable Access: Provide students and families, especially those from underprivileged backgrounds, with increased access to resources, opportunities, and essential services.

Catalyst for Innovation: Promote innovation, collaboration, and equity in education, addressing diverse needs and challenges faced by students and educators.

At Banks Private School Consultants, we believe that grants are more than financial support; they are catalysts for positive change. Join us in creating an educational landscape where every student's potential is unlocked and nurtured.

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aerial view of mountain
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a logo for a business that is a leafy plant
Strategic Grant Pursuit

Increase your chances of success by targeting grants statistically more likely to result in awards.

On-Demand Expertise

Secure a grant writer and private school specialist ready to craft compelling proposals when needed.

Hidden Opportunities

Unearth funding opportunities you hadn't discovered or considered, expanding your financial possibilities.

Choose excellence

Choose us to unlock unparalleled success for your private school.


Unlocking the potential of your K-12 private school has never been more achievable. At Banks Private School Consultants, we are committed to navigating the vast landscape of grant opportunities, ensuring your institution has access to the funds needed for innovation, budget supplementation, and expanded learning initiatives.

Accessing funding opportunities is an intricate and time-intensive task, yet pivotal for the success of educational institutions. While there is an initial investment in hiring our firm, we guarantee a significant return on investment through the funds we procure for your institution. Take a proactive step and explore your options with our experienced consultants.

About Us

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three women sitting beside wooden table

The Banks bring a wealth of experience and skills to the private school grant writing field, making them formidable candidates for your esteemed organization. With Susy's decade-long career in education, her journey from a dedicated kindergarten teacher to Director of Student Services and the ESE department showcases her deep understanding of the educational landscape. In her leadership roles, she demonstrated exceptional proficiency in fiscal management, budgeting, program development, and staff training. Susy's extensive experience in securing grants, including those from NSLP, CCLC, IDEA, ESSA, ESE, CARES, ESSER, GEER, and various Title programs, exemplifies her expertise in navigating complex grant processes.

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green mountain across body of water