Common Questions

Q: What types of grants are available for private schools?

A: Private schools can access various grants, including federal programs like Title funds, 21st Century Learning Centers, and National School Lunch Programs, as well as state and foundation grants. Our consultants specialize in identifying grants tailored to your school's unique needs.

Q: How can Banks Private School Consultants help with the grant application process?

A: Our team offers comprehensive grant services, including grant research, strategic program design, grant writing, and partner coordination. We streamline the application process, increasing your likelihood of winning grants while freeing up your staff's time for essential tasks.

Q: How much does it cost to hire a grant writer?

A: BPSC operates on a commission-based model, we typically earn a percentage of the grant funds awarded to the client schools.

  1. Commission Percentage: BPSC would negotiate a commission percentage with the private schools we work with. This percentage is often based on the total grant funds awarded to the school.

  2. No Win, No Fee: This means that if BPSC does not successfully secure grant funds for the school, we won't charge any fees.

Q: Can Banks Private School Consultants assist with program development and planning?

A: Yes, our services go beyond grant writing. We provide support in program development, planning, and partnership coordination, ensuring your school is well-prepared to implement successful programs that align with grant requirements.

Q: How successful is Banks Private School Consultants in winning grants?

A: Over the past five years, we have secured millions of dollars in federal and state grant dollars for private schools. Our success is attributed to our experienced team of grant writers, strategic approach, and in-depth understanding of the education sector.

Q: What sets Banks Private School Consultants apart from other grant writing services?

A: Our team consists of former educators and administrators, bringing a unique perspective to grant writing. We tailor our services to the specific needs of private schools, offering hands-on support throughout the grant writing and funding process.

Q: Can Banks Private School Consultants assist with grant compliance and reporting?

A: Absolutely. Our consultants are well-versed in grant compliance and reporting requirements. We provide guidance to ensure your school meets all obligations and maximizes the benefits of awarded grants.

Q: How can private schools get started with Banks Private School Consultants?

A: Contact us for a free consultation. Our team will assess your needs, discuss potential grant opportunities, and tailor a plan to help your school achieve its funding goals.